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Upcoming Workshops

Be Wise

It would be impossible to expect you to know how to plan for your family’s future without first knowing what the rules are for defeating probate, making decisions for your health and protecting your assets from nursing home expense.

Learn The Rules- Use Them To Your Family's Advantage

Join us for one of our workshops, and we’ll teach you how to use the most modern tools to protect yourself, your family and your assets- and carry out an ancient directive- that we are all charged to be good and faithful stewards of our blessings 

Be Faithful

We are all charged with being good stewards of the blessings God has given our families: the gifts of each other, the gifts of our bodies and the gifts of our financial assets.   Take an affirmative step as a faithful steward by making the decisive effort to attend one of our workshops.  Learn the rules, and then choose to put an asset protection and estate plan together now, to protect your family’s future. 

Why Should My Family Practice Stewardship?

The bible tells us in  1 Chronicles 29:11 and 12 that “all that is in heaven and in earth” is the Lord’s, and that “riches and honor come from” the Father.

We then do not own our blessings, but rather are trusted with them.  “For the wise and faithful steward, all of life becomes an instrument of service to others.”  First Cong. Church of St. Louis.

We Are To Be Stewards Of Each Other & Of Our Families

1 John 4:1 tells us “let us love one another, for love is from God.”  God has purposesly chosen to put us in each other’s lives  to take care of one another.  No where is that  more evident than in our own families.  We are to love one another and be stewards of one another, not only words, but by taking action to protect our loved ones.

We Are To Be Faithful Stewards Of Our Own Bodies And Those Of Our Family Members And Friends

In Romans 13:17, the bible says “render to all what is due: tax to whom tax is due…”

That does not mean that the Lord intends faithful stewardship to mean that you should let your family’s assets go to probate court, or be wasted on nursing home expense.

“A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them…” Proverbs 22:3 (TLB) Likewise, “the plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage…” Proverbs 21:5 (NAS)

Prudence is becoming wise to the dangers facing your family; not procrastinating, but forming a plan of protection, and diligently implementing it, right now.

We Are To Be Faithful Stewards Of The Assets  The Lord Has Blessed Us With

Yours, O Lord, is the greatness,
The power and the glory,
The victory and the majesty;
For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours;
Yours is the kingdom, O Lord,
And You are exalted as head over all.

Chronicles 29:11

The Lord grants us dominion over the homes, farms, businesses, animals and real estate that he blesses us with, but belivers  understand that “Dominion is never ownership, but always stewardship.” Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Profits (1890)

Our Mission & Vision

Our vision and mission is to help people learn new ways to love and protect one another.

The Wise And Faithful Stewardship Foundation helps people to manifest their desire to protect and love one another by mobilizing the power of wisdom and stewardship through asset protection and estate planning education, and provides free planning and protection to those in the missions field through the generosity of our members and donors.

Latest Message

Dr. Paul Collins, Founder of Acts Ministries, A Member Of The Ministry For Over Years

Why you should attend a Foundation Workshop.

Why Does The Foundation Exist?

The Wise And Faithful Stewardship Foundation was born from a realization that most people just aren’t aware of the laws that will dictate the challenges a family will struggle against if someone becomes sick, faces an accident or is called home.  Asset Protection and Estate Planning are ultimately acts of love, and expressions of our desire to protect those we love.  The Foundation exists to teach, to provide wisdom to empower people to love and protect themselves and their families, and to remind believers of their duty to be faithful stewards of their families and all God has given them.  In so doing, through the mobilization of our members and donors, the Foundation is also able to help provide free asset protection and estate plans for those in the missions field, who often need it most but can’t afford it, because they have sacrificed their financial stability to work for the Lord. The Foundation also has assistance programs for pastors, through our Church Workshop program

What To Expect

Some Of The Questions We Answer At Every Workshop

Will My Will Have To Be Probated, Or Can I Avoid Probate Court?

Can I Control The Distribution Of My Estate, Even After I’m Gone?

Reasons For Avoiding Joint Accounts With Adult Children

How Much Will Probate Court Really Cost My Family If I Don’t Plan To Defeat Probate Court Now?

How Do I Protect My Home, Farm Or Business From Nursing Home Expense 

How Do I Protect My Family Farm And Ensure I Can Leave It To My Children (Or Grandchildren)

What Is The Five Year Look Back?

Can I Be Approved For Medicaid If I’m A Landlord?

How Do I Protect My Family From My Business If Something Should Happen At Work


How Do I Protect My  Business Assets For My Family If Someone Were To Become Ill Or Have An Accident


Get Involved

Join Us At Any Event!

Workshop 1

November 16
Springfield, missouri

Join us for an evening of information and fellowship with other members of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association


Workshop 2

Church Of The Harvest
Branson, missouri

We are in the process of determining a date and time in late November for a small workshop in Branson at the beautiful Church Of The Harvest.


Workshop 3


We currently have an opening for late November or the first week of December for a workshop at your church or other venue.



We Welcome You!

Our Foundation Grows From Members Like You!

If you are interested in becoming a member of our foundation or making a gift to help provide asset protection and planning for a pastor or someone in the missions field, but can’t make it to one of our workshops, please feel free to contact us directly.